This is a private site. There is no guarantee of freedom of speech here.
This is a Christian site. Even when you disagree with someone, it should be done in a loving manner. 1 Corinthians 13. Your words have the power to heal or harm. When in doubt, ask yourself if the words I am posting are like medicine or poison. Proverbs 12:18
This is an ecumenical (non-denominational) site. We favor topics that promote unity and discourage divisive topics. We do not ignore the Truth of Scripture in its full context, but we also realize that some topics have been debated for centuries without resolution.
If someone is entrenched in a position, let it go. I encourage you to have a 3 to 5 exchange rule on debates. In other words, if you have replied to a debate more than 3 times and you have made no progress in changing someone's mind, it is time to gracefully exit. Expect a discussion to be locked down if it continues.
For new people, there is a 10 post per day limit for the first week.
No Inappropriate Posts - refers to, but is not limited to, obscene content of a sexual nature or inflammatory or discriminatory or harassing posts regarding race, gender, age, disability, religion, national origin, physical attributes, or sexual preference. Even when we disagree with what another person is doing, we love the person; see rule 2.
No Spam - if you would like to promote your site send me a private message.
If a discussion is locked, expect the topic of that discussion to be off-limits for at least 2 weeks.
May the discussions in these forums bring glory to God!